
Jens Krauer

What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendinizden bahseder misiniz? I am based in Zürich Switzerland, grew up in Switzerland. In my youth I was very much into drawing, graffiti and urban culture, which has been with me ever since as my cultural background and baseline in most artistic projects I engage in. My …

Petri Damstén

​​ What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendiniz hakkında ne anlatabilirsiniz? I’m a photographer, digital artist and nerd from Kuopio, Finland. The passion for photography started after  I retired from my day job as a software engineer. I often explore the dark side of life in my art. Images are often moody, surreal …

Luc Vangindertael

What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendinizden bahseder misiniz? I am a retired economist, living with my wife in the suburbs of the university town of Leuven (Belgium). Apart from photography I am a gardener and a music lover. Eşimle beraber Belçika’nın üniversite şehri Leuven’in   banliyösünde yaşayan emekli bir ekonomistim. Fotoğrafçılığımın dışında bir …

Hans Wolfgang Hawerkamp

What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendinizden bahseder misiniz? I was born in 1949 in Winningen, a small town at the Moselle and since 1958 I am living in Duesseldorf. My home town is located in the north-west area of Germany.  After my graduation from high school I worked first in my occupation …

DelphIne Devos

Delphine Devos is a sensitive and skilled “still life” photographer. Her work is inspired by painters and she uses light, colours and mood to share her passion. Thanks to by Yvette Depaepe for conducting the interview. You will find more photos by the end of the article. Delphine Devos duygusal ve yetenekli bir “Still Life” fotoğrafçısıdır. Çalışmalarında ressamlardan …

Anette Ohlendorf

Was können sie uns über sich erzählen? Bize kendinizi tanıtabilir misiniz? Mein Name ist Anette, mit meiner Familie lebe ich in Deutschland, genauer gesagt in Stuttgart. Über 30 Jahre habe ich als Krankenschwester auf einer Dialysestation gearbeitet, nun bin ich seit einiger Zeit im Ruhestand. Ein sehr guter Freund hatte Ende der 1970er-Jahre das Interesse …

Lorenzo GrIfantInI

What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendinizden bahseder misiniz? I’m an architect founder of a successful architectural company. Architecture and photography, they are somehow interlinked, they both are related to the idea of space, tridimensionality and people interacting with the environment.  For me, learning photography was a natural and organic process. Compared to …

DanIel Castonguay

Biography Biyografi Daniel Castonguay is a street photographer based in Montreal, Canada. He is among others, laureate of the award of the ‘Fine Art photo of the year 2019’, at the prestigious MonoVisions Photography Awards in London. Daniel began photography in 1979 as an extracurricular activity and without completely putting aside his passion for photography, …

RIck Sammon

Canon Explorer of Light and award-winning photographer Rick Sammon loves his day job. A tireless, prolific and inspirational image-maker, Rick, called by some “The Godfather of Photography,” is one of the most active photographers on the planet – dividing his time between creating images, leading photo workshops, and making personal appearances. Canon fotoğrafçısı (ışık kaşifi) …

Joxe InazIo Kuesta GarmendIa

What can you tell us about yourself? Bize kendiniz hakkında neler anlatabilirsiniz? I am an amateur photographer with a passion for street and documentary photography. I studied Economic and Business Sciences and I work as a civil servant for the Goverment of th Basque Country. I like to travel to countries where I can see …

Svetlana Melik-Nubarova

TakIng up photography Fotoğrafa Başlamam I’ve been engaged in photography for about 7 years. This happened, in my opinion, accidentally (although in any chance there is a regularity). My husband was fond of photography long before our meeting. Our acquaintance happened when he invited me to pose for a portrait. So in my life came …

Ben Goossens: Sansasyonel Kreasyonlar Ustası

Ben Goossens: A Master in Sensational Creations Ben Goossens :Sansasyonel Kreasyonlar Ustası Ben Goossens is a sensational creator who reveals very little about himself, but he lets his pictures reveal his uncanny imagination and talent. His daring, surreal approach made him a master in creatively edited photography. Ben creates incredible images by blending detailed photography …